Health, Saftey, Environment and Quality
It is the policy of Mshengu Toilet Hire to be compliant with the Occupation Health and Safety Act, to conduct all business activities in a responsible manner, which assures the health, safety and security of people, preservation of the environment, and quality of the product/services.
It is our policy:
- To maintain, as far as is reasonably possible a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of the employees;
- To ensures that all employees are competent to carry out (or undertake or complete) their tasks through training, information, instruction and consultation;
- That all employees undergo annual medical assessments to ensure continuity and continued risk control;
- To Identify hazards in all operational activities and seeks to control them;
- To procure and utilize approved products and chemicals which is of the highest standard and quality and environmentally friendly;
- Communicating openly with its stakeholders to ensure an understanding of our HSEQ policies, standards, programs and performance;
- Be committed to complying with defined requirements and procedures as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
This policy is subject to continual improvement and is periodically reviewed to ensure suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in respect of the impacts and risks arising from our activities.